Following on from my previous post, I said it was Nikola Tesla the genius of the 20th Century said the following:
If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.
Peace can only come as a natural consequence of universal enlightenment.
And there we have the answer, Tesla knew that if enough people can come together, we are able to change the frequency of the construct that we live. Putting it another way.
Awakenment leads to enlightenment which manifests in a higher level of consciousness facilitating for a higher level of frequency and vibration. That peace can only come from a natural consequence of universal enlightenment.
The language used here most people may not identify with at the start of their journey. Here is a simpler way for people to understand.
Once you know, you cannot unknow, you become all seeing and the truth is in plain sight, at which point you have a moral duty to bring it to the attention of other people. Once other people have been informed then a number of them will want to find out more.
If the above can be repeated, then many more people will be awakened, this is your responsibility.
I added the words ‘moral duty’ because as member of the human race we all have responsibility to do the right thing. The universal maxim, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you", applies. We all care about our families and friends and if we have information that can help them through the maze of this realm then we must have that discussion.
What is the point.
I can hear you say, “what is the point, I know something isn’t right, but what can I do about it?” I must explain the following.
Those people who control this world (and it is not the government) and they are few, have a mechanism whereby they control the masses by feeding them (literally) misinformation and propaganda through an Orwellian controlled mass media. The simple words here are ‘dumbing down’, I call it gas-lighting. Once you are in a state of dumbness the energy vibration you emit is at a low frequency.
This low frequency requires little attention by the controllers allowing them to control masses of people with only a few people pulling the strings. It’s quite genius from a dystopian point of view. So, the converse of this must also be true, and using my take on Tesla’s findings above, i.e., Awakenment leads to enlightenment which manifests in a higher level of consciousness facilitating for a higher level of frequency and vibration.
Our controllers can only handle a certain number of awakened people because awakened people operate on a much higher frequency. Awakened people cannot be controlled, and this is the reason why 2025 is the year that is going to be pivotal for humanity.
With more and more people waking up, it is upsetting the frequency dynamic of the collective, our controllers are no longer in complete control (maybe). So, what do they do? Mass distractions and mass psyops on an unprecedented scale, to take your ‘eyes off the ball’. They are going to chuck the ‘kitchen sink’ at us in 2025, do not get distracted, it is expected, more importantly do not be fearful.
To those of us who are awake we can see them coming. Remember they are the few, we are the many and that is the point. Doing nothing is not an option. Watch out for my next series of posts as I will reveal the astonishing opportunity we have now been given.
Be strong and stay safe.