Awaken UK

Here is Our Mission and Aim again
Our Mission
To challenge the narrative of the evil takeover of humanity that is engulfing the world and to bring about a new dawn of spiritual awareness and enlightenment. To realise the true destiny of humanity that God intended.
For people to come together in truth, spirit, love and community, a new enlightenment for a new age.
People across the UK and the rest of the world are becoming increasingly desperate as the institutions and services they took for granted that supported them in the past disintegrate. At the same time people’s freedoms that we believed to be a fundamental human right, are also being taken from us.
It is my opinion, and you may agree with me, that we are at war, a world war for the very existence of humanity as we know it. Yes, I believe it is that nefarious. No bullets are flying in the most part (Ukraine excepted), but this war we are now experiencing is a spiritual war against our humanity, it is a satanic war of good versus evil. Which if we allow it to happen will end up with a New World Order, which is exactly their intension.
Making Sense of what is really going on.
Somehow, we must navigate our way through it, survival mode, but more importantly awakened mode, because when you are awake you see with total clarity. That clarity we are seeking is understanding what is really going on and who is behind the evil agenda being played out in real time.
Clarity will also give you the armour to stay physically and mentally healthy which is going to be critical as the months go by. It will also allow you to talk to people with confidence.
To be here you are either already on our wavelength or you want to know more because you have come to realise finally that your government has nefarious intensions toward you and your family. It does not matter that you haven’t seen this coming for years, all that matters is you are here now. There are no distinctions here, we don’t care what colour or creed you are, whether you are vaccinated or unvaccinated, if you are eight years, or eighty years old, you are all welcome.
I am just a normal Joe Public who cares, who was looking forward to a peaceful retirement, how wrong can you be. I am ‘standing up to the plate’ because I have to and will go down fighting. All I seek is the truth.
What can you expect over the coming months
What we want to achieve here is an energy vibration of like-minded people coming together, as an informed community. that quickly builds and builds from small beginnings to an immense “people’s army” of positive energy and power, we are a TEAM.
Together Everybody Awakens More
Weekly posts at www.peterragg.com
Use of Telegram and Twitter to communicate and build followers.
Comments section/Sounding board
Develop a podcast over time, as some people prefer to listen
Recommended reading
Spiritual support
Links to other recommended sites
Physical and Mental health tips and testimonies
Totally Free