Stepping from FEAR to FREEDOM - A call to action
How awake are you? Everyone knows that something is very wrong with this world, but what do you do about it.
I believe humanity has lost its way, and that it has been deliberately hoodwinked from its fundamental calling and consequently is sleepwalking to oblivion. And that this has all been planned and is part of the great conspiracy.
We have been asleep at the wheel while we genuinely thought those in power were protecting us and keeping us safe. This you now know is a lie. Here is what I have found, which I have discussed at length in my posts over the last four and a half years:
1. The education system has been corrupted and you have been brainwashed to believe a certain narrative that is fundamentally flawed.
2. The medical establishment including Big Pharma has been corrupted.
3. The religions have been corrupted.
4. The history of the world has been corrupted.
5. The science of this world has been corrupted.
6. The financial system has been corrupted.
7. The judicial systems including the police service has been corrupted.
8. The parliamentary system has been corrupted.
9. The weather has been corrupted.
10. All NGOs have been corrupted.
11. All MSM and MAM has been corrupted.
To sum up here, virtually everything is the opposite to what you have been led to believe. It is all fake, it is a movie set, there is a script being played out by the actors that we all know, and we are the pawns to be played with, literally. “Our world is not what you think.”
The corruption goes very deep and goes back thousands of years. None of the above is going to change, it is only going to get a lot worse as we get closer to 2030 and the goal of the UN/WEF psyop agendas of total control and a one world government, which in my opinion is already here, because the deep state already controls the world and therefore all events. All the UN controls they are proposing by 2030 will happen.
So, what are you going to do about it, seriously? You have two choices, you acquiesce, knowing it’s going to get a lot worse, or you take personal responsibility for the rest of your life, and get your head above the parapet, it is your call.
I want to propose a number of solutions of how we as a collective can overcome the insanity of the overwhelming planned daily BS that we are supposed to believe, which if we do not do something about it is going to lead to serious mental health issues for millions of people. Here are the first steps that what we can all do, and we must do it quickly as we do not have much time left before it is taken out of our hands. I will discuss further steps in the next posts, keep an eye out for them.
Step 1 - Emotional Self-Reliance (Man up)
You must free your mind from the emotional manipulation that controls the masses. The system thrives on keeping people in a constant state of fear, anxiety, and division. The aim is to keep people in emotional turmoil, so that they cannot think clearly. Emotional self-reliance means recognising that you are in control of your emotions, not the system, not the media, and just as importantly not the government. As Jason Breshears says you must, “break free or die trying.”
Step 2 - Physical Self-Reliance (Get fit, stay fit)
Take personal responsibility for your body and for your health because you will need your reliance on it for your survival when the time comes. You must dump the processed foods containing unnecessary chemicals and who knows what else, get fit and stay fit and reconnect with nature. When you reconnect with nature you are eating real foods which will give you the strength you will need.
You are no longer dependent on the corrupt medical system or the corporate food industry. You build your own health, your own strength, and become less susceptible to the manipulation through sickness and dependency.
Step 3 - Spiritual Self-Reliance
The system/controllers want you disconnected from your true nature (this is the fundamental calling bit) from the infinite consciousness that you are really are. They want you plugged into the dungeon programming of the matrix, believing you are just a body and mind with limitations. Spiritual self-reliance is the realisation that YOU are an eternal spirit having a human experience, and that your power comes from within.
This is the big one, the first two steps are easy to assimilate, once you realise, “we are more than we suppose ourselves to be,” then the scales fall away from your eyes and your whole world changes. You stop looking outside of yourself for guidance, for salvation, (religion), for answers, instead you connect to your higher self, your true self, and live from a place of inner strength, peace and knowing.
When you are self-reliant emotionally, physically, and spiritually, the system loses its grip on you. You become sovereign, empowered, and able to navigate this reality without falling into the traps laid out by those who seek to control you. Self-reliance is the foundation of true freedom.
All that needs to be re-read, it is profound, and it will change your life if you engage. The above three steps I liken to your body armour, a prerequisite for your new journey of enlightenment.
I believe in a creator God of this world, this is who we get our higher consciousness from, and this is the reason why we have been hoodwinked by our controllers from understanding our true nature. As I said in my previous posts, they are the 1% and we are the 99%, and as soon as enough people are awakened to the true reality of this world then the madness stops.
To be continued.
Be prepared, be strong and stay safe.