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Worldwide Chaos Reigns – update 10 Monday September 2nd  2024.

Worldwide Chaos Reigns – update 10. Monday September 2nd  2024.


I have become melancholy of late as I resign myself that people are not waking up in the numbers that are needed to put a stop to the insane madness, especially in the UK. Starmergeddon is now in full view, (20% of the electorate voted for him), the guy is stark raving bonkers controlled by Klaus, and you still don’t care he is systematically destroying society at breakneck speed, following on from Sunak, who followed on from Johnson, both WEF puppets.

Let’s put some flesh on the bones here to back up my assertion of Starmer’s lack of ‘humanness’ for want of a better word. Guardian journalist Charlotte Edwardes had two meetings with Starmer prior to the General Election, and on 22nd June wrote an article entitled:   You asked me questions I’ve never asked myself’: Keir Starmer’s most personal interview yet.

Extracts from the article  

What about a quick-fire round, I say to Kier Starmer, who is pushed for time on the campaign trail, a few snapshots to help glimpse the man likely to be PM? Starmer is nodding. He’s keen to be helpful, keen to be a sport, although a little unsure of this magazine profile business and the need to talk about feelings. We are in the green room, all mirrors and concrete, backstage at Labour’s Scottish launch in Inverclyde, and unless I’m mistaken he still has on a layer of foundation. Ready? He folds his arms across his chest. “Yes, by all means.”

But then he can’t really say if he’s strictly an optimist or a pessimist and, no, doesn’t know if he’s an extrovert or an introvert, either. “I’ve never really thought about it. I don’t know what that tells you.” He doesn’t know what he dreamed last night – or ever: “I don’t dream.” Just hits the pillow at 11 and – “bang” – is out till around 5. He doesn’t have a favourite novel or poem, wasn’t scared of anything as a child. “Nothing. No phobias.” Hmmm, this is harder than I thought. What about his lovely heather-coloured tie, where is it from and who chose it? He takes it between finger and thumb. “Would you say heather? I had it down as slightly darker.” Quick-fire is perhaps not his format.

“You asked me questions that I’ve never asked myself,” he says of the last time we met. “That may seem funny, [but] part of being Keir” – he sometimes talks about himself in the third person – “is just ploughing on. Knowing what I’m doing, knowing where I’ve got to go, without allowing myself time to stop and have a discussion with myself. I’ve just got this thing about keeping going.”

I say, because on his face was a genuine expression of bemusement when I asked about his emotional inner life, that I’m guessing he never did therapy. “No, no,” he says. “No.” Then “No” again in a lower tone bordering on horror. He’s not saying this is the only way to live, it’s just that “I am self-aware enough not to go into side alleys to have a chat with myself about these things.”

He represented prisoners on death row in Jamaica, where the loss of hope was palpable, where there was no light, no toilet, where the people he sat down with in suffocating heat were certain they were about to die. “These are experiences that are legal, but they’re also human,” he says. “Some of the remand cells were like 20 people in a cell the size of this room. And everybody’s sleeping on the floor on top of each other. The toilet is a bucket with [only] a lid to stop it being completely offensive. How did I feel in there? Revolted. Angry.”

On the subject of the debates, I ask about his accusation that Sunak was a “liar” (for saying a Labour government would increase the tax burden on each household by £2,000). Would he have used that word in politics before Boris Johnson was PM? “No. I’m not in the business of bandying insults around. But it was depressing when you’re trying to have a national debate about the issues of the day. You can argue robustly about a policy difference, but you can’t debate if the basis is actually a lie.”

Is he more ruthless than Blair? “I don’t know,” he says. “I’ve never thought about it.” (I ask the same of a senior Labour insider who replies simply, “Yes.”) Perhaps Johnson should have been put on warning when Starmer suspended Jeremy Corbyn. He might also have observed how Starmer took total control of Labour’s ruling NEC and purged possible opponents on the hard left. Lately the NEC has remade the election candidates list in his image and dumped firebrands such as Faiza Shadeen.


My observation on the article.

Starmer ten weeks later is now our Prime Minister (I didn’t vote for him), who by his own admission is a man with no interests, not in poetry, in music, not in art, nor in entertainment. Starmer has no internal monologue and doesn’t do self-reflection, he doesn’t even dream. Wow!

This is probably why Starmer does not do ‘empathy’, and this is why he comes across as cold and calculating with people who do not agree with him, he hates them, labelling them unfairly as ‘’Far Right’ in most cases. However, he does have empathy with you if you are on death row and you have committed heinous, unspeakable crimes of horrific killings, (see Jamaica reference above) but it would seem he has no empathy if you freeze to death this winter.

Is he more ruthless than Blair? “I don’t know,” he says. “I’ve never thought about it.” (I ask the same of a senior Labour insider who replies simply, “Yes.”)

“That may seem funny, [but] part of being Keir” – he sometimes talks about himself in the third person – “is just ploughing on.

He talks about himself in the third person, really, is he real, just maybe he is a cyborg?  

Cyborg definition: a fictional or hypothetical person whose physical abilities are extended beyond normal human limitations by mechanical elements built into the body. Nailed it, right?

Guys what have we just done, we have voted in a power crazed psychopath straight out of the pages of Orwell’s 1984, I kid you not. This is not going to end well.

 Be prepared, be safe and be strong.

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