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Worldwide Chaos Reigns – update 8 Wednesday August 21st  2024.

Worldwide Chaos Reigns – update 8. Wednesday August 21st  2024.

False sense of security.

Catch up.

So, what are you thinking now four weeks on, do you feel more safe and secure? Kier Starmer and the Police have acted swiftly and have arrested hundreds of people for riotous criminal acts and spreading misinformation on social media. These people have been fast-tracked at warp speed through our overstretched judicial system and are now incarcerated in our overcrowded Victorian prison system. Job done, right? And if you think it is all over you must be living on Mars.

Let me tell you what ‘two tier’ Keir has also just done.

For the record, because I really need to get this off my chest right from the start. When I was first aware of Kier Starmer when he was Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) (Jimmy Saville, remember). I am thinking this guy is strange, he talks with no passion or empathy, look into his eyes, very cold, he is what you would expect from an automaton.

Definition of automaton - a moving mechanical device made in imitation of a human being:

Starmer has no conviction and has a history of flip-flopping, on virtually everything, says he prefers Davos to Westminster, big buddies with Klaus and King Charles! And you go out and vote for him, just like you did for the other charlatan of our time Winston Johnson.

This is what Kier said in 2013, “Too many Twitter prosecutions could damage freedom of speech”.

Who is pulling Starmer’s strings.

Obviously, it is Klaus, Starmer has signed the contract, has no scruples, he will do anything he is told. So, what has he done? In just four weeks he has managed to alienate most of the country, certainly every working-class white person, (Starmer these people I thought were your people, Labour people, right?). That not bad for four weeks.

Kier, I have something to tell you, you are treating people with utter contempt, and I can tell you for a fact that British working-class people (and the rest of the hard-working peoples of this country) have seen straight through you, why, because there is nothing there.

Normal law-abiding people of this country are frightened and angry, and they don’t know how to properly protest their concerns that have been totally ignored by all governments for twenty years. They have then been drawn to social media to vent their feelings or spread inaccurate memes which were probably nefariously created in the first place by AI. For these minor misdemeanours you are sending first time offenders to prison, because you want to make a point and scare people, genius, no actually, it is the actions of totalitarian government, no more or no less, who cares nothing of its own people.

Stoking the fire.

The powder keg I have spoken about has not been diffused, you have added to it by your actions and more importantly your inaction to sort the problem out and to go on television yesterday in Northern Island and call anyone who professes discontent as ‘racist’ is a very incendiary thing to do.

This is what Starmer said, “The disorder is intolerable, it is incapable of justification, it’s clearly racist, and it does not represent the forward-looking Northern Island that I know this place is.”

I don’t understand why we should all be called racist (I obviously fit this criterion too) when all we are doing is protesting to government that they are failing to sort out a very serious problem of illegal entry into this country, it’s illegal, right? But we are racists, if we dare raise it, I call BS. Note: I am not discussing rioting, that is a separate issue and is clearly against the law. I thought we the people put our politicians in place to protect us first and foremost, it is no worder people are now furious with the inactivity of government.

Kier, people are waking up fast, this is not going to end well, sort out the root of the problem, but you cannot, can you, you are not allowed to close the borders? And perhaps people are starting to ask why when we live on an island can’t we stop people illegally entering, when we did it very successfully in the second world war, it’s frigging easy. So, the question people should be asking is, why is Starmer not allowed to close the borders? There is a far bigger picture here that I am not going to discuss in this post, all I need people to do here and now is to ask the right questions.


We must stand up, for this country, for the future, for our freedom, and for our children. We must peaceably protest on mass, also realising that our MSM is not on the side of the people, they are a mouthpiece of government double speak. There is no cavalry coming over the hill here, the ball is firmly in our court. It’s going to get a lot worse I am afraid, and we must face up to this reality that our government is not on the side of British people. How did it ever get to this, it is completely heart breaking.

Be prepared, be strong and be safe.

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