Pre-meditated murder of elderly people in the UK in response to the Covid Pandemic 2020?
Background and context
The Liverpool Care Pathway for the Dying Patient (LCP) was developed in 1994 as a care pathway in the UK (excluding Wales) covering palliative care options for patients in the final days or hours of life. It was developed to help doctors and nurses provide quality end-of-life care, to transfer quality end-of-life care from the hospice to hospital setting. Morphine, midazolam, haloperidol, and an antimuscarinic drug were available in all settings in which patients were cared for in the last days of life.
Over time many witnesses testified that elderly patients were admitted to hospital for emergency treatment and put on the LCP without documented proof that the patient consented to it or could not recover from their health problem; 48-year-old Norfolk man Andrew Flanagan was revived by his family and went home for a further five weeks after doctors put him on the LCP. The Royal College of Physicians found that up to half of families were not informed of clinicians' decision to put a relative on the pathway.
In a letter to The Daily Telegraph, six doctors belonging to the Medical Ethics Alliance called on LCP to provide evidence that the pathway is "safe and effective, or even required", arguing that, in the elderly, natural death is more often painless, provision of fluids is the main way of easing thirst, and "no one should be deprived of consciousness except for the gravest reason."
Financial inducements to NHS trusts
In October 2012 figures released under the Freedom of Information Act showed that some two thirds of NHS trusts had received incentive payments for meeting "targets" for using the LCP, and that such payments totalled £12 million or more.
These criticisms prompted the government to commission an independent review of the LCP in England. As a result of the commission report the Liverpool Care Pathway was discontinued in 2014. The LCP name was dropped, but it did not stop the end-of-life treatment using the above pathway.
COVID Pandemic 2020
The assertion
That the exact same drugs as used in the Liverpool Care plan (stopped in 2014) were being used as an end-of-life treatment for elderly people who had tested positive on a PCR test and were therefore classified as having the Sars-Cov 2 virus.
That high dosages of Midazolam and Morphine were used in combination as an end-of-life care plan with Do Not Resuscitate, (DNR) to systematically kill elderly people in hospitals with COVID symptoms and create a death rate that could be claimed by ‘experts’ as caused by the Sars-Cov 2 virus.
That large quantities of Midazolam were used (2-years supply) were used in a few months, with the government buying up as much stock as they could. Elderly infected people were also deliberately sent from NHS hospitals into the care home system to infect more vulnerable elderly people, where again end-of-life care plans were prescribed, creating even more deaths.
Midazolam is purchased from France. Orders were made by the UK Government in 2020, (Minister of Health at the time was Matt Hancock). It was imported in two portions, firstly in January of 2020 before the official lockdowns started in March 2020, a second order of 22,000 packs was also received giving a total of 27-months’ worth of medications of Midazolam. Enough to treat approximately 160,000 people. This whole stock was used by October 2020, in just 9-months.
Note here.
The Corona Virus Act 2020 stopped all autopsies on people who had died from COVID. Also, people were restricted or not allowed to visit dying relatives in hospital.
NICE Guideline NG 163
Managing COVID-19 symptoms in the community (including at the end of life) issued 3rd April 2020
Section 6 Managing Breathlessness
6.5 Consider an opioid and benzodiazepine combination for patients with COVID-19 who:
· Are at end of life and have moderate to severe breathlessness and are distressed.
It also states.
“Sedation and opioid use should not be withheld because of fear of causing respiratory depression”.
People with COVID experience breathing difficulties, for then to administer a powerful drug regimen as per guideline NG 163 to exacerbate the problem even further I find astonishing. Many doctors also had this same concern.
Concerns from doctors
Some doctors were concerned from the start that uncritical use of NG163 may create unintended risks for people with suspected or actual COVID-19 infection.
“… the combination of opioid, benzodiazepine and/or neuroleptic is used in specialist palliative care settings for symptom control and for ‘palliative sedation’ to reduce agitation at the end of life. It takes great skill and experience to use palliative sedation proportionately so that extreme physical and existential distress are palliated, but death is not primarily accelerated. NG163 states: “Sedation and opioid use should not be withheld because of a fear of causing respiratory depression.” If COVID-19 infection were uniformly fatal, this would be an acceptable statement. But for people not previously known to be at the end of life, there is potential risk of unintended serious harm if these medications are used incorrectly and without the benefit of specialist palliative care advice.
Another concern is that the recommended doses for morphine and midazolam are sometimes higher than current guidelines state for non-specialist use; and moreover, there are inconsistencies between the maximum doses recommended by the oral or subcutaneous routes.”
The original 2020 NG 163 has now been taken down and superseded.
COVID deaths spring 2020
There was a massive surge in non-COVID death occurred within our care homes during spring 2020.
Over the 11-week period w/e 20th March 2020 – w/e 29th May 2020, 57,314 care home residents within England and Wales died, 26,575 of which would have normally been expected in accordance with the 5-year average (46.4%). Of the remaining 30,739 excess deaths, 18,104 have been attributed to COVID (58.9%) leaving 12,635 as ‘inexplicable’ non-COVID excess deaths (41.1%).
Documentary Video
Here is a link to a must watch documentary by independent journalist Jacqui Deevoy “A Good Death,” Euthanasia Protocols Using Midazolam That Murdered the Elderly in the UK.
Jacqui Deevoy speaks to people whose loved ones had succumbed to the end-of-life COVID pathway. It is very clear from these witnesses that very large doses of Midazolam and morphine were being used and that they died in a very distressed state. It discusses loved ones being connected to syringe drivers where 10mg of Midazolam were being infused every 4-hours, where only one outcome could be predicted, terminal sedation.
It is clear to see that rather than a recommended low dose (0.5mg) of Midazolam in certain circumstances, pre-COVID, e.g. pre-operation sedation or end of life terminal cancer treatment, the COVID end-of-life treatments in hospitals and care homes used very high doses of Midazolam and Morphine. Doctors also gave their concerns, (example above) they were ignored, and as a consequence very large numbers of elderly people were euthanized on DNRs.
As a consequence of the ‘contrived’ care home catastrophe, of thousands of deaths, it then gave the government licence to introduce non-proven scientific restrictions on by now a truly fearful population whipped up by a media frenzy, such as masks mandates, social distancing and also for the imposition and continuation of lockdowns. Lockdown had their own consequences which were foreseen and ignored.
In light of the Liverpool Care Plan expose and the acceptance that at that time the medical ethics could not be guaranteed, the main question becomes, who exactly was responsible for re-instigating in 2020 the LCP for end-of-life treatment for those seriously ill with Covid, or who just tested positive for COVID on a PCR test, that went on to kill thousands, many of whom would have survived without the end-of-life care plan.
Were hospitals being incentivised (as in the LCP) to put people on the COVID end-of-life plan in 2020?
Also was there any feedback or criticism of the approach from front-line medical staff or from experts in medical ethics? How was the decision eventually reached to withdraw this guidance? There needs to be a full independent enquiry into all of these assertions and the truth obtained. I would like the MSM in the meantime to investigate these assertions in the public domain and get to the truth. It would appear tens of thousands of elderly people in the main have been unlawfully killed, there must be total accountability here.
There is also another key issue we are overlooking here and that is the sovereignty of the individual who is about to pass. It is clear many of those who were euthanised died in very unnatural and uncaring circumstances, nil by mouth, therefore dehydrated and starving and fighting for breath. People should die peacefully surrounded by their loved ones. What happened is totally inhumane, to think we have arrived at this situation in the 21st Century shows you that humankind is going backwards. The final thought here is, this is still happening, until we say enough is enough.