Stepping from FEAR to FREEDOM - A call to action – Part 2
In my previous post I discussed the first three actions you need to take in taking back control of your life and giving you purpose as you move forward. These three steps are the bedrock of your new enlightenment. Here are the first three again. I will then add a further three today.
Step 1 - Emotional Self-Reliance (Man up)
You must free your mind from the emotional manipulation that controls the masses. The system thrives on keeping people in a constant state of fear, anxiety, and division. The aim is to keep people in emotional turmoil, so that they cannot think clearly. Emotional self-reliance means recognising that you are in control of your emotions, not the system, not the media, and just as importantly not the government. As Jason Breshears says you must, “break free or die trying.”
Step 2 - Physical Self-Reliance (Get fit, stay fit)
Take personal responsibility for your body and for your health because you will need your reliance on it for your survival when the time comes. You must dump the processed foods containing unnecessary chemicals and who knows what else, get fit and stay fit and reconnect with nature. When you reconnect with nature you are eating real foods which will give you the strength you will need.
You are no longer dependent on the corrupt medical system or the corporate food industry. You build your own health, your own strength, and become less susceptible to the manipulation through sickness and dependency.
Step 3 - Spiritual Self-Reliance
The system/controllers want you disconnected from your true nature (this is the fundamental calling bit) from the infinite consciousness that you are really are. They want you plugged into the dungeon programming of the matrix, believing you are just a body and mind with limitations. Spiritual self-reliance is the realisation that YOU are an eternal spirit having a human experience, and that your power comes from within.
This is the big one, the first two steps are easy to assimilate, once you realise, “we are more than you suppose yourself to be,” then the scales fall away from your eyes and your whole world changes. You stop looking outside of yourself for guidance, for salvation, (religion), for answers, instead you connect to your higher self, your true self, and live from a place of inner strength, peace and knowing.
When you are self-reliant emotionally, physically, and spiritually, the system loses its grip on you. You become sovereign, empowered, and able to navigate this reality without falling into the traps laid out by those who seek to control you. Self-reliance is the foundation of true freedom.
Step 4 – Connect to the creator.
This follows on from step 3 in that you must build your personal relationship to the creator. As I said in my previous post, I believe in a creator God of this world, this is who we get our higher consciousness from, (and this is the reason why we have been hoodwinked by our controllers from understanding our true nature). I am bypassing all religions here as I do not believe they spread the right message and have been created as a control mechanism by our controllers.
I have gone direct to source as they say. I find a quiet time in the day to commune with God and ask for guidance, I also have my own personal prayer of gratitude. To know you have a personal relationship and God is walking by your side metaphorically, is a great comfort. Once you connect, your dormant sensory perceptions are awakened from their slumber, Intuition, Imagination and Empathy, and once this happens your world changes forever.
Let me answer the question you have in your mind, “why would a creator God allow the world to descend into chaos with wars, famines and death all about us.” I asked the same question. The answer is that humanity has allowed dark satanic forces to take over the world in ancient times and manifests in all that is happening today. In the 21st Century we are controlled by satanic elites that have infiltrated ever government and organisation on the earth.
Step 5 - Kindred spirits (no one fights alone)
You are not alone, there are many other awake people out there, (not enough currently). It is essential you engage with people and find a core group of people who are on your wavelength. This is the first part in taking action, ask God for guidance here. You know your strengths (and weaknesses), use them. Putting your head above the parapet which I am asking you to do is going to be the hardest thing at the beginning as I can assure you will be derided by friends and family. You must follow your instincts on this. Once you have been awakened there is no going back, that is your calling, create your core group of people initially. I will discuss this further in future posts.
Step 6 – Educating yourself on the real truth of your reality.
Remember I have already said our education system has been corrupted, (especially our history and sciences), and you have been brainwashed to believe a certain narrative that is fundamentally flawed. Once you also realise everything is inverted and the opposite is the truth in most cases then you are able to quickly understand the real intensions of our controllers.
Your aim is to seek the truth to get to the real reason you are here. On YouTube keep away from the Mainstream Alternative Media as they are the new gatekeepers stopping you going to the necessary levels to get to the truth. There are many researchers who are not mainstream who have great information. When you engage with that person you will know instinctively that the information they convey can be relied upon. There are also many books I can recommend to you.
Here is your starter for ten, one person in particular who has massively impacted my life over the last four and a half years. Jason Breshears at, I cannot recommend Jason highly enough, his forensic information on the real timeline and history of this world has completely changed my perception of this world and he answers most of the questions that are swirling around your mind.
Jason Breshears - Awaken the Immortal Within – Jason has authored many books on ancient chronology, and cataclysmic cycles that profoundly reset our world on a mathematically precise timeline, however this is the book you must start with, eighty-one pages that will reset your mind.
John Hamer - RMS Olympic – my comment - the Titanic didn’t sink. That should get you interested. Once you know that they lie and contrive events to their own desired outcomes and allow 1500 people to die in the process, then every major event that is labelled a ‘conspiracy theory’ probably has the hand of the deep state behind it.
John Hamer - The Falsification of History – Our Distorted Reality.
David Icke – The Reveal - David’s latest book will bring you up to date. David Icke has called it out for 35-years and has been proven to be correct on almost everything. David gets my total respect.
Those four books will blow you mind, welcome to the new reality.
I am only recommending these books because I am setting the scene for you. So, you know you have been 100% hoodwinked. Jason’s Awaken the Immortal Within will give you a new strength and direction, that you are going to need in the upcoming months and years. I have said many times, this is a ‘spiritual war’ and that is what we must concentrate on and not get distracted by gatekeepers who are not discussing this.
Be prepared, be strong and be safe.