Worldwide Chaos Reigns – update 30th July 2024
In my previous post of July 24th, I said the following.
Be watchful folks the Olympics are coming. It just so happens the 2024 Paris Olympics are the 33rd Olympics, does that number mean anything to you? There are 33 degrees of Freemasonry, (coincidence, right?), as you rise through the levels you are given more information of the real purpose of Freemasonry, the 33rd degree is only attained by the elite and is one of the best kept secrets. They will not miss out on this opportunity, check out for satanic unveilings in the opening or closing ceremonies.
I have called out the Paris event in previous posts for a nefarious happening, it could be a terrorist attack as happened in the 1972 Olympics against Israeli athletes. There is a potential for this to be repeated as the war in Gaza is very much still happening. This will signal the main event, the second seal opening of the book of Revelation, which again I have discussed before.
As I write on the 30th July we have had the following in the last 6-days:
· Olympic Opening Ceremony 26th July – Satanic ritual, (as I predicted).
· Israel bombs Lebanon 29th July, in response to Hezbollah attacks - WW3 escalation.
· Mass stabbings Southport UK 29th July.
Chaos continues.
The world is in utter planned chaos, and it is time to get you head out of the sand. The main course using my analogy in my last post is about to happen. THEY (OUR CONTROLLERS), ARE TELLING US WHAT IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN. IT’S IN PLAIN SIGHT AND IT IS IN EVERY BIBLE. GET YOUR BIBLE OUT NOW AND READ REVELATION.
‘Revelation’ is a program locked into the simulation, it is a script being played out in real time and yes, we are all living in the end times, so get used to it. What you do next will have an impact because if you are finally waking up to this completely fake reality your frequency will change and if everyone was able to do this the collective becomes all powerful and we just might stop this carnage in its tracks.
Here is the passage from Revelation, because I know you are not going to get your bible out. I am specifically talking about the opening of the second seal of Revelation because if you have not been following my posts, I can tell you the first seal was opened in 2020, scary or what?
New International Version 6:3-4
When the lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other. To him was given a large sword.
Here below is the Greek translation of the second seal broken down and spaced with a comma from each Greek word. Revelation was originally written in Greek, and this is the original text we must use to really understand what is going to happen next.
and, it went out, other, horse, fiery-red, and, to the, to being seated, upon, him, it was given, to him, to take, the, peace, from, of the, of earth, that, one another, they might butcher, and, it was given, to him, knife, great.
There are small differences in the translation, however there is one major difference, in that in the original Greek is says Knife, the NIV translation is Sword.
Have you got it yet, the 'second seal' is knife attacks on a massive scale across the world? Open borders across the western world for the last 20 years, I don’t need to spell it out, totally planned to produce total bloody carnage.
My date prediction on this, is very soon, the opening ceremony of the Olympics was worse than I thought it was going to be, I thought the satanic messaging may be hidden for the masses, it was the opposite, it was in your face, my friends they are laughing at us. If you were not taken aback by the sexualisation and depravity of the ceremony, then you have been totally brainwashed to think it was normal.
I think our Satan worshipping controllers are primed to unleash the prophetic second seal, anytime from the closing ceremony of the Olympics (11th August) to the end of October 2024, certainly before the US elections, which they will cancel because the world will already be in lockdown. Remember they tested us in 2020, and most people fell for it, and they know they can do it again, easy peasy, right?
Our aim.
Another New World of enlightenment, (not the UN, WEF, WHO version), using the words of Nikola Tesla as the mission statement, he said the following:
A new world must be born, a world that would justify the sacrifices offered by humanity. This new world must be a world in which there shall be no exploitation of the weak by the strong, of the good by the evil: where there will be no humiliation of the poor by the violence of the rich; where the products of the intellect, science and art will serve society for the betterment and beautification of life, and not the individuals for achieving wealth. This new world shall not be a world of the downtrodden and humiliated, but of free men and free nations, equal in dignity and respect.
This must be our rallying call for humanity.
How do I reconcile what is about to happen?
I am not fearful, I know that this is a simulated world; a movie script, the real world lies outside of this construct. This world has been captured and has become a prison realm run by evil satanists, it has been allowed to happen to test us, to work it out, and to learn how we can break free. At the same time to use the simulation to create our own reality, to live, to love, to learn as I discuss many times. To become the best version of ourselves, we are just passing through, walking with our creator who is also experiencing our unique reality which we share together. To realise there are two beings in this relationship is transformational.
We will take our hard-earned experiences into the next world. Now that is an incredible thought, just think of how amazing you will be knowing what you know now in the next world when the shackles have been removed and we arrive back home. Bring it on.
Be prepared, be strong, and stay safe.